Pathways to Home Ownership

The Wunan Foundation's Pathways to Home Ownership Program is an initiative aimed at promoting and facilitating home ownership among eligible Aboriginal participants. Funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), this program has been designed to offer a range of services and support to individuals and families looking to take the first steps towards homeownership. 

Home ownership can provide many benefits for Aboriginal people, including increased stability, financial security, and a sense of pride and belonging. Owning a home can provide a safe and stable environment for families and children, and can help to build wealth and assets over time.  

Additionally, home ownership can promote cultural connection and strengthen community ties, as it provides a place for families to gather, share their traditions and values, and pass them down to future generations. By becoming homeowners, our clients can gain more control over their living spaces and create a sense of place that supports their long-term well-being and prosperity. 

To get started, try using our free budget planning tool, or check out our presentations on the Pathways to Home Ownership!

Budget Planner Tool

PTHO Presentation  Buying a House Presentation


Getting Started

If you're ready to begin your application, we invite you to fill out the form below or contact us at:

M: 0487 372 756

E: or

A: 77 Konkerberry Drive Office (Cnr of Konkerberry and Messmate) 




Apply Now for the PTHO Program

Are you interested in joining the PTHO program?*This field is required.
Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?*This field is required.
Do you currently own any property?*This field is required.
Have you owned a home in the past?*This field is required.
Do you want to own your own home in the future?*This field is required.
Do you have much knowledge around Home ownership?*This field is required.
Would you be interested in attending ihome workshops to build your awareness and knowledge?*This field is required.
Are you currently renting?*This field is required.
If you are not employed, do you receive Centrelink payments?*This field is required.
Do you have any debt that you know about? (car, house, finance, other)*This field is required.
As part of the PTHO Program do you agree to attend financial and information sessions?*This field is required.
Do you agree to engage in a support plan to help you achieve home ownership?*This field is required.
We agree to offer after hours support if necessary. Is this required for your circumstances?*This field is required.
I agree to the Terms & Conditions outlined below.*This field is required.
I acknowledge and agree to the Media and Publicity Consent Conditions outlinedbelow*This field is required.



PTHO Program Terms and Conditions

By submitting the application form, I authorise Wunan Foundation to:

  • Collect my personal information from external services, government departments, or agencies.
  • Negotiate and act on my behalf with external services, government departments, agencies, and commercial businesses.
  • Share relevant information with other services that support my needs.
  • Refer me to other services that may assist me.

I also understand that:

  • Wunan Foundation complies with the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988.
  • Any personal information collected will be treated as confidential.
  • My personal information may be used to provide me with relevant information and services.
  • Wunan will not disclose my information without my consent, except where required by law.
  • Wunan will take all reasonable steps to protect my personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.

Media and Publicity Consent Acknowledgment

By stating that I consent to the media policy as outlined in the application form, I acknowledge and agree that:

  • I authorise Wunan Foundation, its Social Enterprises, Programs, and funding bodies to collect, use, and disclose any photographs, footage, words, images, quotes, or other identifying content related to my involvement.
  • I grant permission for this material ("the Material") to be published in various formats, including books, articles, advertisements, television, radio, and online media, without limitation.
  • I understand that Wunan Foundation may use the Material at any time in the future and may distribute it to other organizations for promotional purposes.
  • If I hold any intellectual property rights in the Material, I license Wunan Foundation to copy and disseminate it accordingly.
  • Wunan Foundation is not required to credit me as the author of any published content.
  • Once published, Wunan Foundation and its affiliates cannot control the further use or disclosure of the Material.
  • I am not entitled to any compensation, royalties, or fees for the use of the Material.
  • I retain the right to withdraw my consent at any time by providing written notice.