Stronger ACCO's, Stronger Families
The Stronger ACCOS, Stronger Families Project, initiated by Wunan Foundation in 2022 with funding from the Commonwealth Government to increase the number of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) operating in the child and family services sector.
The Stronger ACCOS, Stronger Families Project is a two-year project supporting Aboriginal organisations at twelve locations across Australia to improve early childhood outcomes and strengthen the community controlled sector.
The project aligns with the National Agreement on Closing the Gap to promote equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and support Aboriginal organisations to strengthen and establish formal partnerships and shared decision-making.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, particularly those in remote and regional areas, are more likely to start school behind non-Indigenous children. Students who start from behind often struggle to catch up in the rest of their schooling.
In line with the National Agreement, Wunan believes a partnership approach between the community-controlled sector and governments is critical to strengthen early childhood care and development.
The project aims to empower ACCOS to form strong relationships with existing Communities for Children Facilitating Partners (CfC FPs) to deliver culturally secure services, enable learning for life and build empowerment for Aboriginal families.