Wunan Job Services Australia a Top Job Futures Remote Performer

24 July 2012

Wunan’s JSA is staking its claim of being among the strongest performers of Job Futures remote providers.

With a snapshot look by Job Futures across 15 sites  (or grouped sites) within 5 remote contracts, Wunan’s annual placement rate per annum was 44% of its average caseload – the second highest in the comparison group.

Wunan recorded the highest rate of conversion to a 13 week employment outcome from those placements, at 40%.

This exercise was completed as part of forecasting for the upcoming Remote Jobs and Communities Program.

You may know that our Job Services Australia (JSA) contract expires next June 2013, and a new service, Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP) will be launched.  The RJCP replaces all the current job services – JSA, DES, CDEP and IEP – with a single program managed between FaHCSIA and DEEWR. The East Kimberley has been split into three territories centred on Wyndham, Kununurra and Halls Creek. A new, single provider will be appointed in each territory.

Full details are still unclear however the tender inviting bids to provide the new service is expected sometime in August, with submissions due in September and an announcement in December. It is likely that a successful bid for each territory will involve a number of partnerships to fulfil the requirements for local support and engagement. We are currently working through our options and will be meeting with various stakeholders in the coming weeks.

In the meantime it is important to note:

  • The current JSA contract still has a year to run so
  • We will stay focussed on quality of service we are providing and the outcomes we’re achieving, particularly in this period when those bidding for the new contract will be under increased scrutiny.
  • It’s equally important that we will remain visible in the communities through our visits and the tangible job opportunities we are delivering.

This is an exciting and far reaching change to our organisation; we are approaching it with confidence and believe we will be successful.

Topic: Employment