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News Stories and Updates from Wunan

Kimberley Children’s Services Plan Newsletter

Find out what’s happening in Children’s Services across the Region through the development of the Kimberley Children’s Services Plan. Read here: Kimberley Children’s Services Plan_Newsletter Issue 1 December 2014

Education Foundations Wunan

2014 Review of the National Quality Agenda

Wunan’s involvement with the Kimberley Regional Children’s Services Plan has identified the 2014 Review of the National Quality Agenda. For interested parties the secondary consultation process for the Review of the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for…

Education Foundations

Halls Creek Art competition

We are very excited to launch our community wide Art Competition where we invite community members to submit entries that are based on one or more of the five social norms. Details of the comp are: Categories: Early Learning Primary…

Education Foundations Living Change

Ian Trust – Garma Festival

Wunan Chair, Ian Trust, delivers an inspiring speech at the recent Garma Festival. Ian speaks about Empowered Communities- Responsibility, Reform and Recognition. See Ian’s speech below:

Foundations Wunan

Transitional Housing wins another award!

Transitional Housing wins another award! Given by the Institute of Public Administration Australia the award is for Best Practice in Collaboration Across Government. The award was granted to Wunan, Dept. of Housing and Community Housing Limited in the East Kimberley…

Accommodation & Housing Foundations Wunan


Wunan is an Aboriginal development organisation in the East Kimberley, with a clear purpose of driving long-term socio-economic change for Aboriginal people; by providing real opportunities, investing in people’s abilities, and encouraging self-responsibility. Wunan is seeking applications from Aboriginal people…

Foundations Wunan